First Post

Hello everyone!

This is the very first post of my new site, which I decided to start for a number of reasons. But first, let me just say a bit about myself. I received my PhD in Mathematics from the University of Washington in 2012, under the advisement of Gunther Uhlmann.

Eventually, I plan to add a lot to this site in addition to the simple blog post format. But for now, I should say I have a strong interest in scientific computing, programming, and mathematical problems with interesting physical applications, such as medical/seismic imaging.

My goal for this blog is to simply post about what interests me so that what I’m currently thinking about or interested in is available at one easily accessible location. I just started using github and bitbucket in the past year, so bear with me. This is my first website which uses Jekyll combined with markdown (.md) files in order to generate content. I’m quite happy with the results so far as well as the ability to host everything on github.

One cool feature of Jekyll is the ability to generate nicely formatted webpages from simple .md files. I can even display mathematical expressions such as the following:

\begin{equation} \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^{2}} + \sin(3n). \end{equation}

Anyway, I look forward to post interesting things in the future as well as to expand the current site as I see fit.

Thanks for reading!


Written on December 8, 2014